El Grupo Iberoamericano
Grupo Regional del IAJ
La UIM tiene cuatro grupos regionales: la Asociación Europea de Magistrados, el Grupo Iberoamericano, el Grupo Africano, el Grupo Asiático, Norteamericano y Oceaníco. El propósito de los Grupos Regionales es discutir los problemas locales relativos a la judicatura. Por lo general, se reúnen dos veces al año y pueden adoptar acuerdos, ya sea sobre cuestiones generales que afectan a la judicatura de toda la zona en cuestión, o específicamente en relación con uno o más países determinados. También pueden organizar misiones ad hoc e informes para casos particulares.
Estatuto del Juez Iberoamericano
Asociaciones miembros
Reuniones y eventos
Statement against the attempt on the life of a judge in Ecuador
The IBA group expresses its strongest condemnation to the attempt on the life of the Judge of the Criminal Unit of Liberta, in Santa Elena, Province of Guayas, Ecuador, Ms. María Belén
Mexico’s constitutional reform and independence of the judiciary
The Brazilian Magistrate Association – AMB, an entity that represents the interests of Brazilian judges at the national level and member of the IAJ, sent a Technical Note, prepared at
Next IBA meeting in Quito, Ecuador
The 72nd annual FLAM assembly and the meeting of the Iberoamerican Group will be held from May 25 to 28, 2025, in the city of Quito, Ecuador. Further information will
Statement of the IBA group on judicial independence in Costa Rica
The Ibero American Group (IBA), Regional Group of the IAJ, issued a Statement on the judicial independence in Costa Rica. The statement concerns the attacks by the President of the Republic and the Minister of
Statement on judicial elections in Bolivia
The Ibero American Group, Regional group of the IAJ, issued a statement on the expiry of the term of office of the judges of the Supreme Court and Constitutional Court of Bolivia and the delay
The Ethical Use of AI Tools in the Judiciary
On November 19th 2024, the Brazilian Magistrates Association (AMB), member of the International Association of Judges (IAJ), published an article on the Ethical Use of AI Tools in the Judiciary. Click here for the full
Últimas NOTICIAS de l'UIM
Canadian Bill on Justice Independence Day
Source: IAJ-UIM News EN Published on 2025-03-13
IBA announces Phase 2 of its 50:50 by 2030 gender equality project: survey
Source: IAJ-UIM News EN Published on 2025-03-11
Next IAJ annual meeting, Baku: Registration Portal and Hotel Booking Information
Source: IAJ-UIM News EN Published on 2025-03-10
United Nations Votes for International Day of Judicial Well Being 25 July
Source: IAJ-UIM News EN Published on 2025-03-04
Press Release 20/25: Judgment of the Court in Joined Cases C-146/23
Source: IAJ-UIM News EN Published on 2025-02-25
Hungarian Judges’ March for the Rule of Law
Source: IAJ-UIM News EN Published on 2025-02-24
Calendario Próximo Evento
International Association of Judges
Union Internationale des Magistrats
Palazzo di Giustizia
Piazza Cavour – 00193 – Roma, Italy
tel. +39 06 6883 2213 – fax. +39 06 687 1195